Our Games

We have nearly all of the well-known games available at Oh Wow Arcade locations, including Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Galaga, and more!

Oh Wow! Arcade Games

Fun for the whole family, we even have free games to play and plenty of retro ones too!

Enjoy a wide variety of games at OH WOW! nickel arcade, including driving games, music games, sports games, skee-ball, and pinball.

OH WOW!  is most loved for a large selection of ticket games. Collect as many tickets as you can to trade for great prizes at the ticket counter.


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Fresno Location Floor View

We currently have 105 games total

1 Shot Ticket Dispensing
18 Wheeler (Kiddie Ride) Arcade Piece
Adam’s Family Pinball
Air Hockey Arcade Piece
Aliens (2 Player) Video
Arcade Legends A Freeplay Video
Arcade Legends B Freeplay Video
Asteroids Video
Battle Gear 2 (2 Player) Video
Big Bass Wheel Pro x2 Ticket Dispensing
Big Buck Hunter (2 Player) Video
Big Haul x2 Ticket Dispensing
Big Shot Ticket Dispensing
Candy Crane Prize Dispensing
Caveman Clobber Ticket Dispensing
Circlerama Ticket Dispensing
Clean Sweep Prize Dispensing
Colorama Ticket Dispensing
Cruisin’ World USA (Twin) Video
Cruisin’ World (Single) Video
Cut 2 Win Prize Dispensing
Cyclone (3 Player) Ticket Dispensing
Cyclone Pinball
Daytona (Twin) x2 Video
Deep Freeze Ticket Dispensing
Demolition Man Pinball
Donkey Kong Video
Duck Arcade Piece
Flaming Finger Prize Dispensing
Galaga Video
Gauntlet Dark Legacy Video
Goal Line Rush Ticket Dispensing
Goin’ Rollin Ticket Dispensing
Green Dragon Arcade Piece
Harley Davidson Video
Haunted House Ticket Dispensing
Home Run Hitter Ticket Dispensing
Horse Arcade Piece
House of the Dead Video
Hydro Thunder (Twin) Video
Hydro Thunder Deluxe (Single) Video
In the Groove (2 Player) Video
Jurassic Park Lost World Video
King of Rings Ticket Dispensing
Lethal Enforcers Freeplay Video
Lite em Up Ticket Dispensing
Marvel vs Capcom 2 Video
Match em Up Ticket Dispensing
Mighty Mini Prize Dispensing
Monster Hunt Ticket Dispensing
Mousin’ Around Pinball
Ms Pacman Video
Neo Geo 150 Freeplay Video
Operation Ticket Dispensing
Pirate’s Gold Ticket Dispensing
Pirate’s Hook (4 Player) Ticket Dispensing
Pump It Up (2 Player) Video
Rambo (2 Player) Video
Ranger Mission Video
Rock ‘n Bowl x2 Ticket Dispensing
Silent Scope Video
Simpsons Pinball
Skeeball (4 Lanes) Ticket Dispensing
Slam-a-Winner Ticket Dispensing
Smokin’ Token x3 Ticket Dispensing
Speed Demon Ticket Dispensing
Spider Box Arcade Piece
Sports Arena Prize Dispensing
Stacker Prize Dispensing
Super Mario Bros Pinball
Super Rock ‘n Bowl x2 Ticket Dispensing
Tekken 5 (2 Player) Video
Terminator (2 Player) Video
Tetris Freeplay Video
Ticket Ring Ticket Dispensing
Ticket Time Ticket Dispensing
Ticket Time Ticket Dispensing
Ticket Trooper (3 Player) Ticket Dispensing
Time Crisis 4 (2 Player) Video
Titanic (3 Player) Ticket Dispensing
Top Skater Video
Toy Soldier Prize Dispensing
Turtles in Time (4 Player) Video
Twister Ticket Dispensing
Virtua Cop (2 Player) Video
Wacky Ducks (2 Player) Ticket Dispensing
Wacky Gator Ticket Dispensing
Watch Box Ticket Dispensing
Wheel of Fortune (2 Player) Ticket Dispensing
Winners Cube Prize Dispensing
Winners Wheel Ticket Dispensing
Wonder Land Ticket Dispensing
Wonder Wheel Ticket Dispensing
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Oh Wow Arcade Merced Games

Merced Location Floor View

We are updating our games list. Check back soon or call Merced: (209) 383-1880
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Oh wow! Arcade mega tickets

Ticket Dispensers

Many of our games are Ticket Dispensing Games. The tickets are used to get prizes. 

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Ohn wow Arcade shuffle-game

Active Games

Enjoy a wide variety of games including driving games, music games, sports games, skee ball, and pinball.

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Arcade Games

We have all of the well-known games that guests love to play here, such as Pac-Mania !


Don't Take Our Word For It!

Read What Our Visitors Have To Say.

We adore our gamers and fans! It's obvious people are happy here!  Since we value your happiness, we take our work seriously. All the positive reviews we've received make us feel proud and appreciated. Thank you! and see ya soon!
Alvaro D

My son had a blast on his birthday.. I was hooked on the claw game that win big ROLLS of tickets..

Tamy P

This arcade game room is actually quite fun. I was more interested in getting the kids out of the house and didn’t really care too much about winning the tickets - although that is part of the fun for the kids. — The people here are super friendly and there are a lot of games to choose from, all costing 20 cents or less to play. $10 will last you a good portion of time and overall, the kids had fun doing so.

Ganesh N

We had a blast. My husband, daughter and I, we really enjoyed the day there. Employees were very pleasant and friendly.

Red H

Low entry cost for even more low cost fun. They are several one nickel games and they go about to 4 nickels a play. A good balance of games to at and earn tickets on. The attendant working the counter was awesome at handling everyone's request as well as maintenance staff dealing with game troubleshooting while we were there. —— Highly —— recommend it for families with young kids looking for a fun night out or even a date night for the gamer at heart. We look forward to coming back.

Our Gamers, our games and our prizes, a quick tour for you.

Check it Out! Video Tour of our Merced Arcade



Fresno: (559) 515-6113

Merced: (209) 383-1880

Throwback arcade includes all of your favorite vintage games from the past. Come to OH WOW! Nickel Arcade to experience a wonderful trip back to the 1980s and 1990s! Play games with your kids, or boost your friendships with fun rivalry.

Website by Boylan Point Agency

Copyright © 2022 OH WOW! Nickel Arcade. All Rights Reserved.